Create linked list from iterator
Create linked list from params
Get an iterator to traverse the list items
Get an iterator to traverse the list items
Get an iterator that traverses the list items in reverse
Get an iterator to traverse the list nodes
Get an iterator that traverses the list nodes in reverse
Clear list items
Add an item to the end of the linked list
Add many items to the end of the linked list
Add many nodes to the end of the linked list unsafe method, will not verify the node
Add an item to the head of the linked list
Add many items to the head of the linked list
Add many nodes to the head of the linked list unsafe method, will not verify the node
Remove an item from the end of the list
Remove a node from the end of the linked list
Remove an item from the head of the list
Remove a node from the head of the list
After adding an item to a node unsafe method, will not verify the node
After adding a node to a node unsafe method, will not verify the node
Before adding an item to a node unsafe method, will not verify the node
Before adding a node to a node unsafe method, will not verify the node
Remove a node from the linked list unsafe method, will not verify the node
The first node of the linked list unsafe field
The last node of the linked list unsafe field
Check if the linked list is empty
Check if there is only one item in the linked list
Get the length of the linked list
Get the length of the linked list
Generated using TypeDoc
Doubly Linked List